mercoledì 25 novembre 2009

Un Panda a colori - Coulored Panda

Busy days before Xmas.
I'm working on few titles and one of this is "Coulored Panda", a tales of a panda doesn't want to be B/W. This is a little pic of the background. The publisher is "Il battello a vapore" from Milano, a very nice publisher i'm honoured working with.

9 commenti:

Bunzigirl ha detto...

Faccelo vedè sto panda!

michael robertson ha detto...

beautiful color and mood!

RQL ha detto...

muy bonito ! ! :)

Cristina ha detto...

Questa finestra sul paesaggio è assai SCIC!

Joy Steuerwald ha detto...

really, really pretty!

Sports Jerseys ha detto...

I think this article was probably a good kick off to a potential series of articles about this topic. So many writers pretend to know what they’re talking about when it comes to this topic and in reality, very few people actually get it. You seem to grasp it though, so I think you ought to take it and run. Thanks!

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