martedì 9 febbraio 2010

Just finished three books for Person publisher about Cat and Rat. Friends and enemies. Soon the covers!

4 commenti:

Alex J. Bell ha detto...

Man, for a stout, plump little fellow he sure can get some air :) Love this little guy. Great stuff

michael robertson ha detto...

excellent character and animation,gabriele. I can't wait to see more.

Gisella ha detto...

Mi piacciono molto i tuoi personaggi,hanno tratti d'altri tempi!! Gisella

clothing ha detto...

This is a bit late, but I wanted to thank you for your kind words. Working in retail and interacting with a wide variety of customers and visitors can have it's ups and downs, but getting an appreciation such as this makes me feel good about what I do. Lauren and I were excited about the blog. It really shows customer appreciation. Thank you again.